Shipping and Returns

Shipping Information

For inventory control purposes orders, especially those involving multiple different titles, we generally ship directly from manufacturing. This may add up to 48 hours to the initial handling period but does not delay delivery. Orders normally ship within three to five business days by UPS to your local post office for final delivery, which allows for USPS delivery where a P.O. Box or other special delivery consideration is involved. Books normally arrive within 10 days from shipment.

Please note that when we ship by this method your sales tax is paid by us at the time of shipment from the shipping and handling fees. You DO NOT have any unpaid sales tax on your order.

If you have any questions or problems with your books once you receive them, please follow the return/customer service instructions on your packing list insert for the fastest service. However, we ask that you also notify us directly immediately via the “Contact” form on our website. We stand behind our books regardless of fulfillment channel or shipping method and will work with you to resolve any issues.

Our books are prepared by human editors, we do not publish machine-scanned texts or digital facsimile volumes. Our editors are allowed to retain the copyright for volumes for which they prepare the text and are compensated for the text preparation and also earn a residual royalty on each book sold. When a customer order involves books attributed to different production editors, direct shipment from manufacturing greatly simplifies our record keeping.

Shipping Costs

A basic shipping/handling fee is applied to each order, with a $0.40 per book shipping charge applied to each book in the order.  This simple system very closely tracks the actual cost of shipping plus sales tax (which we pay to the printer). At least until the next round of shipping rate increases.

Supply Chain Issues

We know you’re tired of hearing about “supply chain issues”. So are we. Unfortunately, ongoing problems do affect the movement and delivery of all types of goods. In the event that your order is delayed for some reason beyond our control, we will make every effort to keep you informed and update you on the situation as information becomes available to us.