The Prisoner of Zenda [Large Print]

The Prisoner of Zenda
The Complete & Unabridged Large Print Classic Edition
by Anthony Hope

The Prisoner of Zenda follows the adventures of Rudolf Rassendyll, an honorable but idle descendant of a rumored “wrong side of the blanket” lineage resulting from a dalliance between a visiting King of Ruritania and a very married English countess. Faced with the prospect of actually commencing employment as a diplomatic attache, Rudolf plans to spend time vacationing on the continent, and decides on a visit to Ruritania. A chance encounter with the Crown Prince on the eve of his coronation as king reveals that the two, while not identical, are enough alike to fool most people.

A fortunate coincidence, because political intrigue waylays the Prince, the situation demands that the coronation take place as scheduled, and Rassendyll is persuaded by the Prince’s aides to stand in for the ceremony. But the deception is immediately complicated by the kidnapping of the real king by his enemies, led by his half-brother, Prince Michael, and the romantic attachment which springs up between Rassendyll and Princess Flavia, the real king’s intended bride. Continue reading “The Prisoner of Zenda [Large Print]”